Editorial | A chaotic time

Snowfall is not something that takes us unawares. It is a routine feature of our weather. And the modern technology has made it possible to make very accurate forecast. We know well in advance when it is going to rain or when we are going to experience a snowfall. These weather predictions have attained a pattern of accuracy like never before. That means, for any administration, it is very easy to throw itself in a state of preparedness, and move into action very swiftly. Not just the advantage of accuracy of weather forecast, the modern day administration has another huge advantage. The kind of efficient machines that are available these days have made it possible to clear the snow in the least possible time, and without banking the snow on the sides and pavements. The size of the clearance machines is also so varied and specific that even the smaller roads and alleys can be easily cleared off the snow, and in a matter of minutes.

All this means that snow can cause least disruption on our roads if we have the right kind of machines, in right numbers, and the personal in a state of preparedness. But that is not the case in Kashmir. We saw how this snowfall caused mayhem on our roads. The scenes at the Srinagar Airport, and the road leading to it, are illustrative. The long lines of vehicles outside the airport  was enough to make the point that our failure to manage things is only monumental. A little attention to efficiency could have saved people from the discomfort that they were put to. The question for those who manage the affairs here is very simple, and straight. In this age of technology, and a computer driven management, why is it difficult to lay out a plan that can cause least trouble to people. If a sense of responsibility is not missing, such chaotic scenes, as were witnessed at the airport, and outside its gates,  are completely inexplicable.


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