Dilapidated road at Eidgah hits vehicular, pedestrian movement

Srinagar: Failure of authorities to complete left over work on drainage project at Eidgah area here is severely affecting vehicular and pedestrian movement. 

The road near Wanganpora area of Eidgah was dug up three months ago. However, the road hasn’t been leveled causing inconvenience to commuters.


A delegation of locals told Greater Kashmir said many people suffered injuries after falling into dug-up road.

“We are having a number of issues due to unfinished work. We are not asking for macadamisation yet. We only want that the road must be leveled so that we can move freely and commute on the road. Recently an elderly person fell into a deep pit leading to injuries. A person passed away, and we had a lot of trouble while carrying routine formalities,” said a local.

The locals said that they have to keep their vehicles outside. “Recently, side mirrors of a vehicle were broken, and there is also fear of theft as the vehicles are to be kept on the road. Dozens of households in the locality are feeling cut off, and we want this issue to be addressed without delay,” said another local.

Traders of the area also complained that the issue is affecting their business.

 When contacted, the local contractor said that they are filling the dug-up roads, and stated that the road will also be filled without any delay.

 “We have stored enough material, and we will fill the dug-up road without any delay. On a daily basis, we are getting more material to fill the roads that have been dug up, and we won’t leave this road unattended and will ensure it is filled and that movement of vehicles and pedestrians won’t be affected,” he said.

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