8-year-old boy dies of suffocation as his house catches fire in Kishtwar

Jammu: An eight-year-old boy today died of suffocation and five cattle also died in the incident when fire broke out in a house in Nownatoo Pader in Kishtwar road. “In the unfortunate incident in the Nagsani area, a house caught fire and a minor boy Muhammed Irfan, 8, son of Muhammed Hanif died of suffocation. Five cattle also died,” Deputy Commissioner Kishtwar, Divanesh Yadav said. He said that the minor boy was sleeping when the fire broke out in the house and he was not able to respond timely and died of suffocation.

The administration provided Rs 4 lakh for the loss of their son as ex-gratia and Rs 20,000 for the loss of their cattle. The fire engulfed the house when the other family members were not present. The body of the deceased boy was handed over to his family members for last rites after performing autopsy on the spot.


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