Those demanding CBI probe should approach court: Dy CM

Deputy Chief Minister Nirmal Singh feels there is a deep rooted conspiracy being hatched at national and international level to create a communal divide in Jammu and Kashmir over the Rasana rape and murder of the eight-year-old girl.

Speaking to the media at his residence Singh said  he condemned the Kathua crime in strongest terms and that justice should be given to the deceased girl.  


“But at the same time innocents should not be harassed,” Singh said. “Police has investigated the matter and now we have also demanded a fast track trial so that justice is delivered to the deceased.”

 The Deputy Chief Minister, however, said that the matter is in court and the government cannot do anything. He said “those who were agitating and demanding a CBI probe over the matter should approach the court”.

 He also said that since the formation of BJP-PDP coalition government in the state, certain elements, including Opposition parties, have been making attempts to polarize Jammu and Kashmir and create communal divide at the behest of Pakistan. 

“The day we (BJP-PDP) formed the government, all the forces who are against democracy, against us and against brotherhood, whether it is elements living in Pakistan, their henchmen living here in Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan itself or the Opposition parties, they all have tried to polarize the atmosphere,” he said while referring to the Rasana rape and murder case, the rehabilitation of Kashmiri Pandits, the Sainik Colony issue, and the beef issue.

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