NC stages protests across state against HR violations

Jammu and Kashmir National Conference on Thursday staged protests across the state demanding an end to the unbridled civilian killings and other human rights violations.

The major protest demonstration was held at Srinagar, where scores of party leaders, functionaries took out a rally from party headquarters Nawa e subh Srinagar to denounce the civilian killings.


The protest rally was led by party general secretary Haji Ali Muhammad Sagar and additional general secretary Sheikh Mustafa Kamal. 

In Anantnag the protests were led by district president Altaf Kaloo and Zonal President Dr Basher Veeri. In Kulgam district president Abdul Majeed Bhat Larmi and provincial spokesperson Imran Nabi Dar led the protests. In Pulwama the protests were led by district president Ghulam Mohi ud Din Mir and Javaid Rahim Bhat. In Shopian the protest rally was led by Sheikh Muhammad Rafi and Nisar Ahmad.

Party functionaries staged similar protest demonstrations in north Kashmir. In Baramulla the protests were led by district president Javaid Ahmad Dar, Ghulam Hassan Rahi, advocate Shahid Ali and Masooda Neelofar Party functionaries staged similar protests demanding an end to civilian killings in Kupwara where the protest demonstration was led by district president Qaisar Jamsheed Lone,Mir Saifullah, Zahid Mughal. In Kargil the party functionaries staged similar protests braving the chill and demanded an end to the civilian killings, the protest demonstration in there was led by district president Haji Haneefa, Qamar Ali Akhoon, and in Leh by district president P. Anchuck .

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