KEA condemns charges against Malik

Kashmir Economic Alliance Chairman Haji Muhammad Yasin Khan has condemned the attempt to murder charge against JKLF chairman  Muhammad Yasin Malik and his associates. 

In a statement Khan who also heads the KTMF said, “It is unfortunate that the ailing leader has been booked for attempt to murder for merely having staged peaceful protests against right violations in Kashmir.” Khan said, “Such pressure tactics by the rulers are pushing people towards the wall. People at the helm should answer is protesting against the killing of seven innocent civilians a crime?”


Seeking intervention of the lawyers’ fraternity, Khan said when people are booked for murder for merely holding peaceful protests the state of policing can only be imagined.

Khan said the development of booking innocents for such “frivolous charges” would only set a bad precedence. 

Khan appealed the Indian civil society to rise to the occasion when even raising voice against human rights abuse is being seen as crime in Kashmir.

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