Pro-freedom leaders, Al Badr pay tributes to militants killed in Pulwama gunfight

Pro-freedom leaders, parties and Al Badr militant outfit have paid rich tributes to four militants, Muzamil Nabi Dar, Muzamil Nazir Bhat, Waseem Akram Wani and Haris Ahmad, who were killed in a gunfight with the government forces at Hajin Payeen in Pulwama district on Saturday. 



Paying rich tributes to the slain militants, the Hurriyat Conference (G) chairman Syed Ali Shah Geelani in a statement said, ” New Delhi’s unrealistic and arrogant approach is the sole reason for the unabated bloodshed in Jammu and Kashmir.”

 “Leaders sitting in Delhi are the responsible for this grim situation in the Valley and their unrealistic approach is the basic cause of human tragedy. We have sacrificed more than six lakh people for our struggle against forcible control and how much more blood these heartless politicians need to quench their thirst,” Geelani said, praying for the slain militants and expressing solidarity with their families.


Tehreek-e-Hurriyat (TeH) chairman Muhammad Ashraf Sehrai, while paying rich tributes to the slain militants, in a statement said, “Our brave hearts are offering supreme sacrifices of their lives for the sacred mission of our right to self-determination. This makes it mandatory for all of us to take this movement to its logical conclusion without making any compromise.”

“New Delhi’s stubborn attitude is responsible for the continuous bloodshed in Jammu Kashmir. People in the state are facing war they are braving the bullets, pelts and atrocities for the Kashmir cause. We hail the resilience and steadfastness of the people.”

Condemning the use of ‘brute force’ against the civilians in Pulwama where several people were injured. He prayed for the speedy recovery of the injured. He also expressed solidarity with the families of slain militants.


Spokesman of Hurriyat Conference (M) while paying glowing tributes to the slain militants in a statement said, “Sacrifices of these youth are giving a new impetus to the ongoing struggle. Ultimate repression is on to push the youth to wall but the fact remains that New Delhi by displaying the military might can’t break the resolve of people of Kashmir neither can the international community be kept in dark for long now.”

The spokesman condemned the indiscriminate firing of bullet and pellets by the government forces on peaceful protestors’ aftermath the encounter in which dozens of mourners got wounded. “One hand our youth are being killed brutality and on other hand we are not even allowed to mourn their departure,” he added.


Muslim League (ML) Jammu Kashmir general secretary Muhammad Rafiq Gainai, while paying rich tributes to the slain militants, said, “The way our youth are fighting for our right to self determination is highly commendable.”

“ML leaders led by Muhammad Rafiq Ganaie today visited Ruhmoo,Trechoo and Tikan Pulwama to participate in the funeral of these slain brave hearts. M Rafiq Ganaie led the funeral prayers and addressed the mourners there,” ML spokesman Sajjad Ayoubi said in a statement. 


Paying rich tributes to the slain militants, chairman of Jammu Kashmir Salvation Movement (JKSM) Zaffar Akbar Bhat in a statement said, “We can’t ignore the supreme sacrifices of the youth who on daily basis are dedicating their blood and precious lives for our better political future and right to self determination.”

“It’s our moral and collective responsibility to safeguard these sacrifices and continue their mission till the goal is realized,” he said.


Muslim Conference (S) chairman Shabir Ahmad Dar, in a statement paid glowing tributes to slain militants. “Our proud sons of soil by their conviction are giving a loud and clear message to the world that Kashmir issue cannot be ignored,” Dar said in a statement. 

“The mission of our young boys is the mission of all Kashmiris and the huge sacrifices offered by people of Kashmir won’t go in a vain,” he added. 


Supreme commander of Al Badr Mujahideen Bakhat Zameen Khan in a statement paid rich tributes to the slain militants. “Armed resistance will continue till we achieve our goal,” Al Badr spokesman Atif Hijazi quoted Khan as having said in a statement. 

He also rejected the dialogue as a means to resolve the Kashmir issue. “We salute the families of all the martyrs and reiterate our pledge to fight till our last breath,” he added.

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