4 sustain pellet injuries in Qaimoh clashes

At least four persons suffered pellet injuries in clashes that erupted in Qaimoh town of southern Kulgam district on Tuesday evening.

A source said that a Central Reserve Police Force vehicle passing through Qaimoh was pelted with stones near Gufbal in the evening.


“The forces in turn fired metallic pellets, injuring four persons who were shifted to sub-district hospital Qaimoh,” the source said.

A doctor at the SDH said that one of the injured had sustained multiple injuries and was referred to district hospital Anantnag.

“Another person with pellet injury in the left eye was shifted to general specialty SMHS hospital in Srinagar for specialised treatment,” the doctor said.

The other two injured were treated at the SDH only, he said.

Another source said that several other people also sustained minor pellet injuries but were treated locally.

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