JKBOSE Annual exams | DC Pulwama inspects examination centres

Pulwama, Mar 13: The Deputy Commissioner (DC) Pulwama, Baseer-Ul-Haq Choudhary today inspected various examination centres established in the district to oversee the arrangements put in place for smooth conduct of Board exams for the class 10 and class 12 annual exams, being conducted by JK BOSE.

During the course of inspection, the DC took stock of the arrangements made for the students. He expressed satisfaction over the arrangements put in place for the convenience of the students.


While interacting with school heads and invigilators, the DC directed them to ensure smooth conduct of the exams. He added that the students are the backbone of the society and they are the future of the country. He urged the teachers/ invigilators to discharge their duties with sincerity and dedication, “with the motto of improving the quality and excellence in the field of education,” and said the District administration would give due importance to improve the education scenario in the district.

The DC further said that the quality of education should not be compromised at any cost.

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