Screening of arrivals at Srinagar, Jammu Airports enhanced

Srinagar: With the emerging threat of a new COVID19 variant Omicron, J&K Government today said that it had a strict surveillance in place at Airports and other entry points to the UT and additional measures, if needed would be put in place based on Union Health Ministry assessment and directions.

On Sunday, the Union Government advised J&K and other states and UTs to review public health measures in view of the emergence of the Omicron variant of COVID-19 (B.1.1529), classified as Variant of Concern by the World Health Organization.


The fresh directions regarding testing, surveillance, monitoring of hotspots, augmentation of health infrastructure, genome sequencing, and enhancing public awareness have been communicated through communications dated November 25 and 2, 2021.

Directions regarding screening and testing international travellers and their contacts, routine sentinel surveillance and surge surveillance have been ordered. In addition, timely Genome Sequencing of RT- PCR positive samples at designated laboratories have also been stressed upon.

Additional Chief Secretary J&K Government, Vivek Bhardwaj said J&K had already instituted strict surveillance systems at the airports and other entry points. He said all incoming passengers with a history of travel to affected countries would be put under surveillance.

He said the impact of Omicron was in the process of being ascertained but the Government was monitoring the emerging trends globally and keeping “close watch” on the local trends.

“For any variant, we will still need to continue with timely testing, tracking and treatment and we are on the mark on that front. We are also doing well regarding vaccination,” Bhardwaj said.

The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has recently revised guidelines for international travelers. It has said that all international travellers travelling from and transiting through “at risk” countries are subjected to rigorous screening and testing.

The contacts of these international travellers are also to be closely tracked and tested as per MoHFW guidelines. As per the latest data by John Hopkins University (JHU), the cases of Omicron COVID19 variant increased 10 fold in 10 days: 275 to 2465.

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