Sajad Lone expresses concern over Yasin Malik’s health

Peoples Conference (PC) chief Sajad Lone on Sunday expressed concern over the health of Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF) chairman Muhammad Yasin Malik and hoped the National Investigation Agency (NIA) understood his position.

Taking to Twitter, Lone said: “My thoughts are withYasin Malik. He has had frail health all along which gets exacerbated withhunger strike. Hope investigating agencies understand Yasin Malik. Haven’t methim for a decade. Politics apart– have spent great moments with him”.


Meanwhile, president of Democratic Party Nationalist (DPN)and former minister G H Mir also expressed concern over Malik’s ill health.”The right to health can’t be denied to any jail inmate. Malik should beprovided best possible treatment. It’s the responsibility of the government to take care of the healthcondition of the detained JKLF leader,” Mir said in a statement.

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