Mega event to mark 100th birthday of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi today

New Delhi: Trustees ‘The Life Eternal Trust’ Delhi Monday stated that a mega event would mark the 100th birthday of Shri Mataji  Nirmala Devi tomorrow.

In a heartfelt note of respect and gratitude to Her Holiness Shri Mataji – the Mother, on the eve of her 100th birthday, Trustees wrote, “We are thankful to Her Holiness for her grace, affection and blessings to us. We are a fortunate generation who could see Shri Mataji and felt the proximity from time to time.”


‘The Life Eternal Trust’ is a Sahaja Yoga institution that aims to invoke consciousness, awareness and spiritual evolution in people.  Sahaja Yoga founder (Mataji- the mother) is known for awakening Kundalini – the inbuilt subtle energy present in all human beings – the activation of which can help in self-realization.

Sahaja Yoga is a meditation technique necessary to experience self-realisation and sustain it.

Trustees stated that it was difficult to say anything about her because she was beyond words. “You have given everything and only everything is the complete word. Without you we are nothing,” they said, while offering their tributes and extending birthday wishes to the mother.

“Few things make our life as a Sahaja Yogi very special, like our self realisation, our awakened Kundalini (the subtle energy within) and our state of Nirvichara Samadhi (spiritual meditation). But when we look back and see the Sadhna and Tapasya we did to achieve all this, it is almost negligible. We got our self realisation by the grace of Shri Mataji in a “fraction of seconds” just because we desired. After self realisation we are like any other normal human being but with extraordinary powers and a sense of awareness,” the Trustees noted with a sense of gratitude.

They said that they got it very easily only because of the Mother – Adi Shakti Mataji Shri Nirmala Devi.

“Millions got realisation all across the globe with simple prayers and just paying obeisance to her. Tomorrow is the birthday of our divine Mother. Out of a 7.5 billion global population, we were chosen for self realisation. We got our self realisation because of Shri Mataji. March 21 is the 100th birthday of Shri Mataji and we desire to have a mega event on this day. On Ganesh Puja we started our centenary celebrations,” the Trustees’ note mentioned.

They said that part one of the centenary celebrations started with the work of spreading Sahaja Yoga. “Our challenge was big as we have to impart self realisation to the remaining 7.5 billion population of the world. We started district level programmes which converged to a big state level public programme on March 18, 2023 at India Gate Delhi,” the Trustees noted with satisfaction.

They reiterated their commitment to spread knowledge about the Kundalini awakening and incarnation of Adi Shakti. They prayed to Shri Mataji to bless them with the “strength and honesty to spread Sahaja Yoga to the whole universe.”

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