CPI (M) pays tributes to Abdul Ahad Azad

Srinagar, Apr 4: CPI (M) leader Mohammad Yousuf Tarigami has paid rich tributes to legendary Kashmiri  poet Abdul Ahad Azad on his 75th death anniversary.

In a statement, Tarigami said that the unparalleled melodious poet is extremely relevant to present situation in Kashmir  in particular and the country in general.


“He stood for the assertion of individual’s commitment to collective cause and used his mellifluous poems to awaken masses against communal hatred, in favour of emancipation of the oppressed like peasants,  workers, and women. All his poetry particularly  Shikwa -i-Kashmir brings to fore the glorious past of Kashmir,  wretchedness of the present, and unyielding resolve to have enlightened future,” CPI (M) leader said.

He added that Azad was rightly termed as Shair-e-Insaniyat by Premnath Bazaz.

“Today as we observe his 75th  anniversary,  let us all read Azad in depth and strengthen our hope in a future that is free from exploitation,  hatred,  and superstition,” Tarigami said.

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