Indo-Pak armies trade fire along LoC

Indo-Pak armies on Friday exchanged mortars along the LoC in Bagtore area of Gurez valley in north Kashmir’s Bandipora, fourth time in a month.

Defence spokesperson Col Rajesh Kalia said, “Pakistan initiated unprovoked ceasefire violation along LoC in Kanzalwan, Gurez Sector, Bandipora today morning by firing mortars and other weapons. Befitting response is being given.”


According to an official stationed in Gurez valley, the mortar shelling started at 11:15 AM on Friday between the two armies of India and Pakistan from Losar post (Pakistan) and Durmat Post (India) along the LoC near Trabal village in Bagtore.

The shelling which, according to SDPO Gurez, Aijaz Ahmad, continued till 3 PM happened after two days of silence on the LoC.

Sub-divisional Magistrate, Mudasir Ahmad said that Friday’s shelling was the fourth such incident in the area in this month.

Meanwhile, a woman sustained multiple injuries in shelling from Pakistani side on Friday late evening hours in Balakote area.

Officials said that Pakistani army resorted to unprovoked firing and shelling in Balakote area along Line of Control in which 35 year old Mianaz Akhter wife of Nasar Ahmed of Panjani, Balakote was injured.

“The woman has received splinter injuries but her evacuation is taking time due to continuous firing and shelling from Pakistan side and lack of road connectivity in the village,” officials said.

Firing and shelling in the area was going on when last reports were received.

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