Effect of stress on skin and hair

Talk of Kashmir, and Amir Khusro’s  verse immediately springs to mind

“Gar firdaus bar- roo-e ast, haminasto, hamin asto, hamin ast.”


“If there is a heaven on earth ,it’s here, it’s here, it’s here.”

This quote, later echoed by Jahangir, is the most appropriate description that one can give of the beautiful valley called Kashmir. It is truly a heaven on earth, inhabited  by beautiful people who indeed reflect the breathtaking charm of this paradise. Fair skin, blush touched cheeks, fine features make the Kashmiris truly stand apart. Kashmir and the Kashmiris have always been synonymous with beauty. 

But unfortunately this dreamland no longer remains just that. The simple people here have been subjected to hostile circumstances, far beyond their control, which have begun to take their toll on them. Day in and day out they are victims of what is a major cause of worry these days, STRESS. Conditions in the Valley have been so uncertain, that they have resulted majorly in affecting the people psychologically. Indeed there is strong relationship between our mind and body. Psychological conditions often result in skin and hair disorders that we are totally ignorant about. And who faces these conditions more than the simple Kashmiris, living in a strife- torn state? 

These disorders can vary depending upon the stress a person faces, and their mental capacity to deal with it. These may range from cystic acne to vitiligo vulgaris, when the person undergoes psychological conditions like depression or anxiety. Eczema and psoriasis are also  stress related. At a psychiatric level it can also be responsible for delusional parasitosis. Lichenplanus,urticaria, allergy problems and even early ageing are also an outcome of stress. 

The skin is not the only one to be a victim of this condition, the hair is also not spared. Exposure to the kind of difficult circumstances that the Valley dwellers experience nearly everyday, can result in chronic tellogen effluvium or chronic hair fall of more than 100 hair/ day. It is also responsible for stunted hair growth, where hair doesn’t grow beyond a point. Early greying is another outcome of this affliction. Alopecia in both men and women has also become very common, resulting in severe balding and hair loss. 

These problems creep in even before we become aware of them. They are often a result of the environment we live in and need to be redressed as soon as possible. If left unattended they may worsen the conditions by having greater psychological impact, resulting in conditions like low self esteem and even being socially stigmatised, as unlike other diseases, skin conditions are very obvious. Therefore treatment is a must, and consists of a team effort of the dermatologist leading and being assisted by a psychologist and a therapist. But at our personal level individuals can also follow these tips to be free of these skin and hair disorders. 

Bathing once a day in winters and twice in summers keeps the skin clean and less prone to infections. 

Hair needs to be washed for the same reason thrice a week. 

Haircut too is a must. Once a month for men and once in two months for women. 

A nice pedicure,manicure not only cleans the feet and hands but can also be quite relaxing. So enjoy it 

Strengthen family ties and spend quality time together. It is quite a stress buster. Adverse external  circumstances can be combated by strength within. 

Listen to your favourite songs, watch a movie,read a book. Declutter your mind by indulging in activities you enjoy, once in a while. 

Actively find some minutes of “me” time ,no matter how busy you are. 

Once in awhile smile at yourself in the mirror and then share it with others. 

A healthy, strong mind will help a long way in having a healthy skin and hair. 

Remember stressed read backwards is desserts. If we can reverse the conditions, life will be as sweet as a dessert! 

So go for it!! 

Dr Deepali Bhardwaj is Honorary Dermatologist at President Estate Clinic in Rashtrapati Bhawan. 


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