CTA hails Govt for appointing academic as Director Colleges in J&K

College Teachers Association (CTA) on Thursday hailed government for appointing noted academic and a college principal as Director Colleges, Jammu and Kashmir.

In a statement issued here, the J&K College Teachers Association has expressed gratitude to Advisor to Lieutenant Governor, KK Sharma and Commissioner Secretary, Department of Higher Education, Talat Parvaiz Rohella, for assigning the charge of director Colleges to academic and College principal, Prof. MY Peerzada.


President, CTA, Prof. Tariq Ashai said some quarters were trying to adjust a non-academic person as director Colleges. However the timely intervention of Advisor and the Commissioner Secretary Higher Education has avoided, what would have been a great injustice to College fraternity.

He said the association would continue doing its best to bring remarkable changes to the higher education sector of Jammu and Kashmir.

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