Is Anybody Listening?

2018 batch of Urdu department, KU, awaits final exam result

On behalf of the students of the Urdu Department, University of Kashmir, Batch 2018, I want to put forth a very serious issue to the concerned university authorities. Almost six months have passed since our final exams were conducted in April this year. Since then, we are longing for our final results which are yet to be declared officially. Our department informed us that the delay is due to 10% of students who have not cleared the outstanding fee. However, the university cannot make 90% of students suffer for this. We still tried to contact those students who have to clear their fee but failed to persuade them. At the time, when our batchmates from other departments have taken admissions in research and other programmes, the students of the Urdu Department are still stuck within the four walls of the varsity. Furthermore, some of our classmates had applied for admission to PhD in various universities nationwide but due to this delay, they were declared ineligible even after qualifying for the written tests. I request the higher authorities to kindly look into this matter so that we won’t have to suffer anymore as we have already suffered a lot.


Faizan Ahmad Ganie

Residents of Aragam, Bandipora facing water shortage

We, the residents of village Aragam, Bandiopra, are facing a shortage of drinking water for more than three years. It is pertinent to mention here that the water supply scheme was sanctioned three years ago by the Jal Shakti department but is still incomplete. Subsequently, another place was selected for digging of borewell, but that too failed to give the final discharge of water. Village Aragam has good water table for decades, and people are now digging tube wells, and most of the people are using water from tube wells. But this water is chemically contaminated, due to which people are suffering tremendously.

We now fervently appeal Honourable LT Governor J&K, Jal Shakti department, J&K to look into the matter and depute an expert engineering team to our village, who will technically select a suitable place for digging of borewell so that our sufferings will be mitigated.


Electricity shortage in Ibrahim Colony Hyderpora

Even as the LG Administration has done commendable work in improving the power supply system in the rural Kashmir region, not enough has been done in meeting the demand of the consumers of power from Feeder-3 of Rawalpora Grid, Srinagar. A minor downpour or a light wind disrupts the power supply for hours together. This has been happening regularly for the last two decades and its segregation from Budgam areas has not helped. We appeal to the Principal Secretary to Govt, Power Development Department to personally intervene in the matter and seek an end to our power woes.

Muhammad Farooq Ahmad

Macadamize bylanes of Noorani Colony and adjacent areas

We, the residents of Noorani Colony, Royal Lane, Saadat Colony and Masjid Aisha Lane, Padshahi Bagh, Srinagar, appeal to the CEO, Economic Reconstruction Agency to initiate the macadamization of interior lanes and bylanes of the area. Pertinent to mention, here ERA has undertaken a drainage project in the area under the project title “Construction of Storm Water Drainage Scheme Banpora ” funded by World Bank. All the work related to drainage has been completed in the lanes and bylanes of the area. However, they are now saying that the macadamization will not be possible for interior lanes but only for the main road due to a lack of funds. Roads were already macadamized before starting the drainage project now we want the lanes to be restored to their earlier condition. We request the concerned authorities to look into the matter and resolve our grievance at the earliest.


Hamdania Colony residents demand proper drainage system, road macadamization

We, the people of Hamdania colony, Bemina, sector- 4, are facing immense problems due to the absence of a proper drainage system and pathetic road conditions. We are not able to walk on the road whenever there is a brief rain spell. We request the honourable L.G to look into this matter on priority as the winters are approaching. Resident

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