Omar, Mehbooba support Kargil marchers for re-opening of Kargil-Skardu road

Former Jammu and Kashmir chief ministers Omar Abdullah and Mehbooba Mufti on Friday came out in support of the demand of Kargil residents to re-open Kargil-Skardu road. 

Taking to Twitter, Omar said his party National Conference supports the genuine demand of the people of the area and hoped that Prime Minister Narendra Modi would announce the opening of the road in his visit to Jammu and Kashmir. 


“1000s march in Kargil town in support of the demand to open the Kargil-Skardu road. ?@JKNC_? supports this genuine demand of the people of the area & hopes that ?@PMOIndia? will announce this important CBM when he next visits J&K,” Omar tweeted.

Mehbooba, who is also the president of Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), said her party envisaged through self-rule not only opening of Kargil-Skardu but other routes also. Mehbooba said the opening of routes like Kargil-Skardu would serve the cause of peace beyond borders besides opening up Jammu and Kashmir to the world.

“PDP envisaged through #SelfRule not only opening of #KargilSkardu , but other routes too , to let people explore & increase contacts across borders . Such initiatives will not only open up jk to the world around us, but also serve the cause of peace beyond boundaries @jkpdp,” Mehbooba tweeted. 

On Friday, thousands of people marched on Kargil roads as part of ‘Open Kargil-Skardu movement’ to demand re-opening of the road between Kargil and Skardu.

The major protest was held in Kargil town after Friday prayers which was led by the President AJUIAK, Shiekh Na’Zir Mehdi Mohammadi and other clerics, social and political activists.

Earlier today, Hurriyat (M) chairman Mirwaiz Umar Farooq also extended his support to the residents of Kargil demanding re-opening Kargil-Skardu road.

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