The Apathy called SMC

It is not easy to characterize any organization. Thedifficulty lies in the complexity of processes that shape structures. In caseof Srinagar Municipal Corporation, the culture of machinery defies thatdifficulty. So define it at ease: Systematic Machinery of Corruption (SMC). Ithas experimented a lot with various ways and means of “not-functioning”according to its own rules, and is innovative in meeting the target of fetchingmoney that does not go to the ‘Organization’. SMC as an organization belongs toitself only; to its staff, of course. Audit can catch only a miniscule of it.Anti-corruption set up will take ages. It knows it, and is comfortably workingin its own way unmindful of the law, and consequences on ‘city-zens’.

Story Begins!


In the second week of June 2019, the residents of Ward 11through a representative complained to the Commissioner, SMC, of illegalconstruction. It has had dual illegal feature: means and method. That is,construction began without seeking permission from SMC and the method employedis legally unrecognized (highly unsafe screw-jacks). Sahib referred it toEnforcement Cell. Referral continues to Ward Office down to Lane Jamadar. Ithad a zero impact. Matter went to Court. It orders ‘halt’ of illegalconstruction. Compliance followed for couple of days. Construction goes on, butduring nights. They know it. Report it. Lodge an FIR. It does not dismantle anyconstruction done in violation of Court Orders, and also in contradiction ofits own rules. SMC, in fact, halted Court Order. A Police Officer, who veryrightly said that this Organization has all the necessary powers provided bylaw to take action including dismantling, whispered that SMC ‘does not uprootits fruit-bearing trees (illegal constructions)’.

Mode of Operation –I: ‘Cotton Dust’

Normally, SMC ‘men’ (as they call themselves with a fullvigour of masculinity) do not listen. Forgive me, they have ears like ‘women’–sometimes, silver rings too. You ‘roar’, they yell at you: ‘we can hear’. Theydo not pay attention unless you attend their pockets and swell their belly: inkind and cash. Your degree of attendance will define their character ofattention. Get a directive from Commissioner to its own staff. They float itwith a dash of third class Phenyl. You remind them of accountability to Court.’Ah! Don’t you know what happens in courts: nothing’, is a general retort youreceive back. Matter was also complained to Grievance Cell directly under thecontrol of Honourable Governor. Sorry to bring this to public domain. An SMCofficer termed Grievance Cell enquiry as ‘everyday routine’. Hence,unimportant! Top brass of organization, Court and GC are there for respect.Something else is followed. Finally, you go to Mayor. Honestly, in hisuprightness he verbally ordered the Ward Officer to “uphold law and implementit 100 percent (fully)” and “go for dismantling”. It was publicly directed byMayor at Bagh-i-Dilawar Khan during his supervision of dismantling illegalstructures. The concerned official at SMC main office said to this author: “Itinvolves law, and taking JCB to locality is not easy. Mayor is unaware ofcomplexity”. Who know? Who matters? And importantly, what matters? Whatsoeverthe agency, each and every order/directive proves all but a cotton dust. Blow abreath, it is no-where.

Mode of Operation–II: Shift to Night

SMC officials are categorical: ‘our job is 10am to 4pm’.Fair enough that they cannot guard during nights. This is where the trick lies!Illegal constructions are undertaken mostly during the late evening and nightstill dawn. You alert them. They will refer you to “the concerned PoliceStation” or prescribe you to “stop” construction on your own. In the morning,Jamadar reports to Ward Officer. And report is dispatched very rarely to higherups. Reports documented rarely, and dispatched very rarely. Night constructionsare not dismantled mostly. Recall the words of police officer: if the treeyielded a good fruit. It is part of an understanding between such citizens andthe officials. It is an agreement to harvest for both the parties. And theformer party under the guidance of such officials are advised to keep a gang ofgoons to keep social check at bay. Land Mafia and SMC officials shareexperiences and innovate/experiment with ways and means of developing effectivemechanisms of undermining its own procedures, court and administration atlarge. ‘Trees’ are uprooted in extremely rare cases. When uprooted, it makesnews. The scenes of dismantling captured in Newspapers and TV news are used againsterring citizens to fetch more ‘fruits’. The calculation is remarkable. If youdon’t pay more, get ready for JCB.

Silver Line: DDC Srinagar

An officer who responds well is DDC, Srinagar, Dr ShahidIqbal. Accessible, he replies to private messages as well. Call it anything,his sincerity does not find a match in subordinate machinery. On two occasionsSMC misinformed him. ‘Misinformation’ is a trusted tool employed byorganizations like SMC. One cannot expect him to move beyond a point. In asocial set up where some people behave as if they are above law. Regrettably,they prove it albeit with the nexus with government machinery. Wish, one coulddisagree with DDC who wrote: ‘I hardly see anyone on the side of law here…veryrare’. Rightly, he points to a larger picture. Whether SMC swings in action (ofcourse, it will reap from that even), the point remains that there is a silverline in administration in Srinagar.

Where to go?

SMC and allied organizations can be frustrating. They beingvery inert for implementation of their own rules and law in general.Contrarily, as experience shows that they are supra-active in reaping illegalself-benefits. Where to go? Of course, do not migrate. World is not a heaven.We have inherited many things including a tendency to break law and morality.Sadly, this tendency has become a norm. Quite dangerously, such people take apride in undermining law and in sweeping institutions to the side offunctioning. Imitation is not solution either. Definitely, one can lose on socialcapital. You can be denied public office for it requires a different ‘gene’ tobe successful in a society where, as Dr Shahid Iqbal says, law-abiding is ‘veryrare’. One must not leave the turf of reasoned argument and the use of force oflogic, instead of muscle. Law of Jungle can be instrument of ‘reputation’, butit is not an attractive medium for ethical standards. In no-case, humans shoulddent moral capital. It may be a lazy resolution. Let it be!

Author is a Resident of Lal Bazar, Srinagar and views arebased on personal experiences of resisting an illegal construction.

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