Curb menace of fleecing tourists: Hakeem Yaseen

Srinagar, June 16: “Feeling disturbed over reports about fleecing of tourists by touts at Doodhpathri and other tourist places in Jammu and Kashmir,” Chairman Jammu and Kashmir People’s Democratic Front (JKPDF) Hakeem Muhammad Yaseen has sought adequate measures for safety of the visitors.

In a statement he said that fleecing of tourists was bound to bring bad name to the tourist industry adding that strict action needs to be taken against unscrupulous elements indulging in fleecing and harassing of the tourists .


Hakeem Yaseen said that the tourism department and law enforcement agencies have failed to curb the menace despite being informed , time and again. He said Doodhpathri Development Authority (DDA) should take stringent action against the touts .

“Though it is encouraging that the tourist footfall to Kashmir has increased manifolds this year , bringing cheers among the people but unfortunately the unscrupulous elements were playing the spoil spot,”HakeemYaseen said.

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