Human Being and Being Human

Human negligence at LD Hospital has shaken everybody and rightly so. Everybody knows What happened and how happened. ‘What and How’ are not important. What is important is ‘WHY’. Yes, why something highly condemnable happened which killed not a human being but the humanity. Reasons can be many. Doctors have their own story to tell and the victims have their own. Who is guilty and who is not; let us forget it for the time being. Instead we need to ponder over a few things. Why such horrible things occur at our hands? We are human beings but why are we not being human? 

In principle, money is not the only thing, then why do we run after money. Before the guilty are brought to justice, we have a collective responsibility of reforming ourselves to reform the system and that too at an earliest. 


It is commonly observed that whenever such horrible things happen, we target the system. Doctors, teachers, judges, police officers and preachers all hail from the same society we live in. They do not descend from the heavens. We know how we fiddle with our obligations. Our judges discharge injustice in the name of justness. Our doctors merchandise the health care. Our teachers sell education or for that matter we callously inculcate immoral values in our children. In such an atmosphere, the LD like episodes cannot be averted. Instead there is every possibility that such things could become a routine affair. 

Obviously, condemning the criminal acts will never do. Better to light a candle than to curse the dark. Needful is to be done and the people from all walks of life need to share the responsibility. The criminal is not to be killed but the crime is. Sins are to be eradicated not the sinners. However, that is easier said than done. Reaching such a point is possible only if we are morally, socially, aesthetically and politically matured. 

Everybody hopes good from others but nobody is ready to do good to them. Thus, everybody hopes against the hope. Charity begins at home. Therefore, every individual has to shoulder his share of responsibility. Collective efforts can create miracles. Mourning will never up lift humanity but doing the needful will. Keeping mourning the LD like incidents and not initiating the desirable mechanism for curbing such incidents is the saddest part of the story. Don’t blame the doctor. Don’t criticize the system. We are the part of the system and we make the system. An unsuccessful leader cannot blame his followers because they are following his footsteps. Similarly, we shall not blame the system because we are the ingredients of the system. If somewhere something wrong happens, we must collectively hang our heads in shame rather of shifting blame to others. We are the doctors who are supposed to be the godfathers of the people in distress and we are the paramedical staffers who are behind a doctor. We set the trends, we frame the customs, we formulate standards of living and we worship luxuries. As such, we shall slap on our own faces instead of condemning the LD incident. Instead of beating the drums for the victim, we shall send our conscience to gallows and that would be the penance.

Everybody who is proven responsible for the LD incident shall be dealt with iron hands. This will pacify the bruised soul of the mother who lost her baby because of her helplessness. At the same time, it shall not be assumed that we are done with our responsibility. No, not at all. That shall be the beginning of a new era. An era where no such incidents recur, where humanity prevails and where helplessness vanishes.     

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