Automobile dealers asked to follow orders regarding HSRP plates

Transport department has asked the automobile dealers to comply with the latest orders regarding affixation of HSRP plates to save the vehicle owners from inconvenience.

“It has been observed that some automobile dealers are not strictly following the latest orders issued by the Transport department regarding affixation of HSRP plates due to which the vehicle owners are facing inconvenience/harassment,” an official said.


He said the order has already been communicated to all the automobile dealers for compliance, in letter and spirit.

“However, some automobile dealers are still adopting delaying tactics in affixing HSRP plates, which is undesirable and unacceptable” he said.

Accordingly, all automobile dealers were once again asked to follow the orders of the department in letter and spirit so that general public/vehicle owners shall not face any inconvenience or harassment.

“Non-compliance on this account shall be viewed seriously and strict action as warranted under rules shall be taken against the defaulting automobile dealers,” he said.

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