Traffic mess near schools


In a bustling locality where education plays a paramount role, it is disheartening to witness the chaotic scenes that unfold during the starting and closing hours of a school.


Narrow roads combined with a high concentration of educational institutions have resulted in severe traffic congestion, creating a complete logjam that poses a significant threat to public safety.

This issue demands urgent attention from the authorities, as the consequences of such congestion can prove fatal, particularly in emergencies. This op-ed aims to shed light on the gravity of the situation and propose effective measures to address the mess.

Grave Consequences:

During peak hours, when schools open in the morning and close in the afternoon, the locality becomes engulfed in a state of traffic chaos. Parents dropping off or picking up their children, school buses manoeuvring through narrow streets, and the influx of private vehicles all contribute to the deadlock on the roads. It not only disrupts daily life but also poses a significant risk to public safety.

Risk to Life:

The impact of the traffic congestion near schools becomes most apparent when emergencies occur. Imagine a scenario where a patient is rushed to a nearby hospital but is tragically stranded in traffic, unable to receive timely medical attention. Such delays can prove fatal, and it is imperative that we address this issue to prevent unnecessary loss of life.

Expand Infrastructure:

The local authorities should prioritize expanding and improving the road infrastructure in the area. Widening the existing roads, constructing alternative routes, and creating dedicated lanes for school buses can help alleviate traffic congestion.

Efficient Management:

Implementing efficient traffic management strategies can make a significant difference. Assigning traffic police officers during peak hours, employing intelligent traffic signal systems, and employing traffic marshals to facilitate smooth traffic flow can help ease congestion.

Alternate Transportation:

Promoting the use of alternative transportation methods can greatly reduce the number of vehicles on the road. Encouraging walking or cycling to school, organizing car-pooling initiatives, and introducing reliable public transportation options will help decrease the volume of traffic during school hours.

Staggered Timings:

Consideration should be given to staggered school timings, wherein schools in the locality have different start and end times. This would distribute the traffic load and prevent congestion during the crucial pick-up and drop-off periods.

Education & Awareness:

Educating parents, students, and the community at large about the impact of traffic congestion on public safety can bring about a positive change. Awareness campaigns can emphasise the need for responsible parking, following traffic rules, and respecting emergency lanes.

Collaboration with Schools:

Local authorities must collaborate closely with schools to develop comprehensive transportation plans. Regular meetings, joint workshops, and feedback mechanisms can ensure a collaborative effort to tackle the issue effectively.


The current state of traffic congestion during school hours in our locality demands immediate attention. The risks posed by the jam are not limited to mere inconvenience; they can have fatal consequences in emergency situations. It is the responsibility of the authorities to take proactive measures to address this issue and ensure the safety and well-being of the residents.

By expanding infrastructure, implementing efficient traffic management strategies, promoting alternate transportation, staggering school timings, fostering education and awareness, and collaborating with schools, we can alleviate traffic congestion and pave the way for a safer and more efficient commute.

It is high time we recognise the severity of the problem and join hands in creating a locality where the journey to education is not marred by the fear of life-threatening situations caused by traffic congestion. Let us work together to resolve this issue and prioritize the safety and welfare of our community

Dr. Sahil Sholla, Assistant Professor, Dept. Computer Science, IUST

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are the personal opinions of the author.

The facts, analysis, assumptions and perspective appearing in the article do not reflect the views of GK.

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