Supreme leader’s envoy Ayatollah Mahdavipur visits Kashmir

Srinagar: Ayatollah Haaj Sheikh Mahdi Mahdavipur, representative of Grand Ayatollah Hazrat Syed Ali Khamenei, Iran’s supreme leader visited Srinagar during his two day tour.

According to a press note, he met religious scholars and intellectuals.


Ayatollah Mahdi Mahdavipur released a book “History of Shias of Jammu and Kashmir” written by Justice(Retd) Hakim Imtiyaz Hussain.

The ceremony was organised in the auditorium hall of the JK Information department Srinagar and the programme was started with the recitation of Holy Quran, after which many religious figures and intellectuals of the valley enlightened the audience with their golden ideas.

Ayatollah Mahdi Mahdavipur, appreciated the book and the efforts of the author.

He said that Kashmir is the land of knowledge and mysticism, where great saints and mystics have rendered their immense services in the propagation of Islam.

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