Mian Altaf seeks swift probe, action into Poonch civilian killings

Srinagar, 26 Dec: Senior National Conference Senior leader and prominent Gujjar leader Mian Altaf Ahmed on Tuesday was not allowed to visit Poonch and Rajouri districts to console the families of three civilians who were killed in the aftermath of Poonch attack a few days ago, a statement said..

In the statement Mian Altaf said that he had sought permission from authorities for visiting Poonch and Rajouri areas to assess the situation and meet the families of victims. However, the authorities denied permission for the visit.


“I felt it a responsibility to visit the area and meet the families to express my grief and offer condolences to the families of the three persons. Unfortunately the authorities denied permission and didn’t allow me to go there,” he said.

The NC leader added that the people of Poonch and Rajouri wanted him to visit them. He said that the J&K administration has announced compensation and jobs for the deceased’s families. “However, I demand that a compensation amount of Rs one crore should be given to the kin of the deceased civilians,” he said, urging the Lieutenant Governor administration for a transparent and swift probe and action in the incident.

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