CBC’s 5-day exhibition concludes in Ganderbal

Ganderbal, Mar 12: The Central Bureau of Communication Srinagar, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, successfully concluded its five-day integrated outreach programme and exhibition today at the Mini Secretariat in Ganderbal today.

The exhibition, which commenced on March 8, served as a platform to showcase the remarkable progress achieved by the government across various sectors over the past decade, with a particular focus on rural development, healthcare, agriculture, horticulture, fisheries, ICDS, and education. Under the overarching themes of Viksit Bharat, Mission Life, Agnipath, and Swachh Bharat Mission, the event was aimed to inform and educate the general populace about the government’s initiatives and achievements.


Director of CBC Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh Ghulam Abbas said that the exhibition received an overwhelming response from the public, fulfilling the event’s outcome. He said that such ICOPs will continue to be organised across the UT of Jammu and Kashmir so that people benefit from these schemes.

Throughout the duration of the exhibition, attendees were treated to a series of informative lectures and presentations delivered by experts and officials from diverse government departments. These sessions delved into the intricacies of different schemes, highlighting their successes and future targets.

A large number of beneficiaries participated in the programme and shared their inspiring success stories, showcasing the tangible impact of various government schemes on their lives.

On the final day, representatives from the Agriculture Department, Fisheries, and Horticulture provided detailed insights into their respective sectors, including information on employment generation schemes.

Naseer Ahmad Rather, Field Publicity Officer and Nodal Officer of the exhibition, emphasised the vital role of CBC’s integrated communication campaigns, facilitating effective communication between the government and the public, ultimately fostering greater awareness and participation in key initiatives aimed at socio-economic development.

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