Icy winds sweep Kashmir, Ladakh | Srinagar freezes at -5.8°C

Srinagar: Cold conditions intensified in Kashmir as the minimum temperature dipped several degrees below the freezing point and many places experienced the season’s coldest night, Meteorological Department officials said Sunday.

However, they said that there is a possibility of a wet spell next week.


The minimum temperature on Saturday night went several degrees below the freezing point and was below normal across Kashmir except in Gulmarg, the MeT officials said.

“The intense cold conditions led to freezing of water supply lines in many areas as well as the water of the interiors of Dal Lake,” they said.

The MeT officials said that Srinagar recorded a low of minus 5.8 degrees Celsius against the previous night minus 5.4 degrees Celsius. They said that the minimum temperature recorded was the coldest so far during the season and 3.8 degrees Celsius below normal for the summer capital.

The MeT officials said that Qazigund, the gateway town of Kashmir, recorded a low of minus 5 degrees Celsius against minus 4.4 degrees Celsius the previous night, 3 degrees Celsius below normal as well as the season’s coldest for Qazigund.

They said Pahalgam recorded a low of minus 7 degrees Celsius against 6.4 degrees Celsius the previous night, 2 degrees Celsius below normal and the coldest this season for the famous south Kashmir resort.

The MeT officials said Kokernag, another south Kashmir resort in south Kashmir, recorded a low of minus 2.2 degrees Celsius against minus 3.9 degrees Celsius the previous night, 0.1 degree Celsius below normal.

They said Gulmarg skiing resort in north Kashmir recorded a low of minus 5.6 degrees Celsius against minus 6.4 degrees Celsius the previous night, 0.2 degrees Celsius above normal.

The MeT officials said that in Kupwara town, the mercury settled at minus 6 degrees Celsius against minus 5.2 degrees Celsius the previous night, 3.4 degrees Celsius below normal and coldest so far this winter in the north Kashmir area.

They said the winter capital, Jammu, recorded a low of 4.1 degrees Celsius against 4.2 degrees Celsius the previous night, 4.1 degrees Celsius below normal.

The MeT officials said that in the cold desert Ladakh, Leh recorded a low of minus 14.5 degrees Celsius and Kargil minus 12.4 degrees Celsius.

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