School rationalisation programme | Extreme caution needed to ensure no student suffers: Apni Party

Srinagar: Former Minister and Apni Party Senior Vice President Ghulam Hassan Mir on Thursday said that the rationalisation exercise about the government schools should be carried out carefully so that it does not have any disadvantageous results in terms of depriving unprivileged students of their right to education.

He suggested the government should adopt a cautious approach while implementing its rationalization programme to ensure students in these schools do not face any inconvenience.


He said, apparently, the government decision to merge low enrolment schools with each other, is a good decision but it should not lead the concerned students to any inconvenience.

Therefore, the exercise should be carried out with extreme caution, and the students, particularly the primary class student should not suffer because of taking their school away from existing locations.

The government must ensure that all the primary level students get their schooling nearby their homes, if not at their doorsteps. Many of these children might drop out if they are asked to go to another school a few kilometers away from their homes.

It is important that the government takes all the consequences into consideration while implementing the rationalization programme. Also, the government has not come clear about the distance of the school to be merged.

The terms ‘nearby’ does not explain the exact distance between the schools that are to be merged with each other. He said that a minimum distance needs to be maintained while merging two schools, so that students do not have to suffer by this move.

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