Dr Farooq Abdullah appeals people to remain united

Srinagar: National Conference President Dr Farooq Abdullah on Wednesday asked people of Jammu and Kashmir to forge unity and fight for the common challenges together and that his party will keep on fighting for the restoration of the special constitutional status of J&K.

According to a press note, he was addressing a one day workers convention of Block Khanyar at Koolipura, Khanyar. Party General Secretary Ali Muhammad Sagar, Senior Provincial Vice President Muhd Syed Akhoon also addressed the gathering.


Central Zone President Ali Muhammad Dar, District President Srinagar Peer Afaq Ahmed, YNC Provincial President Salman Ali Sagar, Women’s Wing Provincial President Sabiya Qadri, Block President Bashir Ahmed Wani Halwai, YNC Block President Abid Wani, Irfan Zehgeer, others were also present on the occasion.

Stressing on the importance of maintaining unity in the ongoing people’s struggle for the restoration of their rights, he said, “I see no way of achieving anything in J&K without a lasting unity between different sections of our society. We have to stop seeing ourselves as Hindu Muslim, Shia- Suni, Bareli Deobandi, Kashmiri -Dogra.

Unity in diversity must be our creed to last for all time and under all circumstances, otherwise there is no end in sight to our common problems in the shape of poverty, unemployment, and development. Our mutual discord will make our descent into darkness.

Divided we cannot achieve anything, let alone get back our abridged constitutional and democratic rights.”

NC President further stated that people, particularly the political class, have to see beyond the pale of their immediate narrow interests and work for what holds greater good for all sections of Jammu and Kashmir.

“The crescendo built up by the incumbent while rescinding our unique constitutional status has fizzled out.

We witnessed towering promises made by the incumbent government getting buried without even a whimper. People have only been bombarded with overly-charged emotive rhetorical jingoism whose shrillness on the audibility scale has crossed all limits.

Where is that progress? Where are those promised jobs? Where is the promised largess that was supposed to bridge Dil ki Duri and Dili Ki Doori,” he added.

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