A Message to Neighbours


As humans we live in a civilised society, hence we are called social animals; we are expected to be and behave in human ways. All of us are from Adam and Eve, so we belong to one family.


No one is superior to anyone except for those having Taqwa (Piety). All of us depend on each other to make this society a better place. We need to respect each other causing minimal to no harm or injury to others and live peacefully.

All said and done, as we are developing and evolving, our sense and sensibilities are reducing, and intolerance towards our fellow humans is growing and that is giving rise to so many problems .

Noise disturbance from neighbours is something that all of us have experienced in life but when these disturbances occur regularly, especially during midnight, and do not care about the sleeping baby or sick old man in the other house, it becomes nasty. Using an outdated generator, holding crazy parties effect our mind, comfort, health, and peace. It is not less than a mental torture.

For being a good Muslim, it is important for us to be good to our parents, siblings, relatives as well as our neighbors. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) also taught that Neighbor isn’t the one who lives on your right and left, he added that neighbors are all the houses that are located in your street.

Aishah (May Allah be pleased with her) quoted the Prophet (SAW) as saying: “Gabriel impressed upon me kind treatment towards the neighbor so much that I thought he would confer upon him the right of inheritance.”? (Al-Bukhari).

In one narration, someone complained to Prophet Mohammed (Peace Be Upon Him) about his neighbour. The Prophet Mohammed (Peace Be Upon Him) reportedly turned his face away from him, and then stated to those around him: “Go and publicly announce that the curse of God and the angels is on one who troubles his neighbour.” [Mustadrak al-Wasa’il, v.2, pp.78-79]

Abu Hurairah quoted the Prophet as saying: “He will not enter Paradise, a person whose neighbour is not secure from his ill conduct.?” (Muslim).

So, what can we do to the neighbor who does not listen or calm down. Then there are laws one can file a case in civil court seeking relief from the court from such kind of nuisance and the court has the power to grant relief. According to the legal framework the noisy neighbours can be booked under the relevant sections.

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are the personal opinions of the author.

The facts, analysis, assumptions and perspective appearing in the article do not reflect the views of GK.

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