DGP visits Police, security workshops

Director General of Police, Jammu and Kashmir, Dilbag Singh today visited Police Workshop PCR, Kashmir and Security Workshop and took stock of the functioning of these units.

He also interacted with technical and supervisory staff.


The DGP first visited Police Workshop PCR Kashmir and later on visited the Security Workshop.

DGP while inspecting different sections of these workshops and taking stock of their functioning emphasized upon the technical staff to put in the best possible efforts to ensure maximum services to the department. The DGP during interaction with the Police technical teams deputed at these workshops said that “these teams are doing a commendable job in improving the safety requirements for the personnel on ground.” During inspection of different sections of these workshops the DGP stressed upon the supervisory officers and technical staff to work with more dedication in providing necessary services to the personnel and the department continuously. He issued on spot direction for rewarding the technical teams deputed at these workshops.

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