Punjab farmers’ protest affects rail service in Jammu

Jammu: Thousands of passengers remained stranded at Jammu Railway Station on Saturday as 64 trains were cancelled in the last two days in the wake of protests by the sugar-cane farmers at two locations in Punjab.

“The farmers have been sitting on the rail tracks in Jalandhar and Ludhiana. This has hampered the smooth operation of train services,” said an official in Northern Railways.


“The train services have remained hampered in Jammu since yesterday. The passengers, who had to board the trains from Jammu Railway station for different states, remained stranded here. 45 trains were cancelled yesterday and 19 were cancelled today in view of the continuous protest by the farmers,” he added.

The official said, “One train boards around 1000 passengers and with the cancellation of the train services, thousands of passengers have suffered.”

At Jammu Railway station and in its vicinity, the tourists, pilgrims, including women could be seen on Saturday waiting for the resumption of train services. Many of them complained that they had limited money which they already exhausted.

“We do not have enough money left with us. The government should make some arrangements for us,” one of the elderly passengers, who had returned from Katra shrine, said.

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