‘Reducing gap between 2 doses of Covishield being considered’

New Delhi: Reducing the gap between two doses of Covishield is being considered and it will be discussed in the National Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation in India (NTAGI), official sources said on Thursday.

Chairman of India’s COVID-19 Working Group of NTAGI, Dr N K Arora, however, said no such proposal for changing the dose interval for any COVID-19 vaccine is under consideration.


“There are several studies and programmatic data collection processes are on to assess the vaccine effectiveness. NTAGI is reviewing the vaccine effectiveness data on a regular basis. Currently there is no proposal for change in the dose interval for Covishield, Covaxin and Sputnik V is under consideration,” Arora said.

The government in May had further extended the gap between the two doses of Covishield from 6-8 weeks to 12-16 weeks and said the decision to increase the gap was based on scientific evidence.

Based on emerging data, India would revisit the dosage interval for Covishield vaccine and take appropriate action, Arora had earlier said.

On the decision to increase the gap between two doses of Covishield from four-six weeks to 12-16 weeks, he had said the move was based on scientific decision and there was no dissenting voice among members of the National Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (NTAGI).

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