‘Strictly adhere to Covid-19 SOPs to tackle 3rd wave’

Srinagar, Aug 16: The Deputy Commissioner (DC) Srinagar, Mohammad Aijaz Asad urged the general public of Srinagar district to ensure strict adherence to Covid-19 SOPs and other related guidelines laid down by the Government to contain infection of Covid-19 and to tackle any 3rd wave as predicted by Health Experts.

The DC said though the situation with regard to Covid-19 is so far improving day by day, but wearing Masks, maintaining Physical/ Social distancing, hand hygiene and avoiding mass gatherings are imperative to protect/safeguard our family and fellow citizens from any infection or possible 3rd wave of deadly pandemic.


The DC said this while briefing the Media about the present situation of the Covid-19 in Srinagar district here on Monday.

He said that the pace of ongoing Vaccination drive has been intensified and till date above 6 lakh vaccine doses have been administered to people in Srinagar.

He also added that presently we have about 326 active positive cases in the district which is highest number in J&K, so we have to strictly adhere to Covid safety precautions to tackle the emergence of 3rd wave of Covid-19 as predicted by Health Experts. He further informed that Srinagar district has touched recovery rate of 98.4 percent and positivity rate has come down to 0.45 percent.

The DC appealed to the people of Srinagar to adhere to all guidelines and follow Covid-19 Appropriate Behavior to ensure safety of themselves, family and fellow citizens. He also urged the left out population to inoculate anti Covid-19 vaccine at the earliest to get protected against infection of Covid-19.

The DC said doing away with the Covid guidelines will prove harmful, adding that as experts are predicting a third Covid wave, the SOPs have to be followed in spirit and we need to be more cautious. He said self-enforcement is the biggest thing for protection of one and all.

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