Various political leaders call for ensuring all civic amenities for Muharram

Srinagar, Aug 9: Various political leaders from different parties today urged the government to ensure all necessary civic amenities across Jammu and Kashmir especially in Shia dominated areas in view of the month of Muharram.

In a statement issued here, Apni Party President Altaf Bukhari said the administration must take all measures to provide uninterrupted electricity, drinking water besides sanitation facilities to the people. “Both the divisional administrations must take a holistic review of the preparations over the requisite arrangements in the Shia dominated localities for the smooth observance of this holy month and ensure the mourners are not subjected to any kind of inconvenience,” he said.


Meanwhile NC General Secretary, Ali Muhammad Sagar impressed upon the administration to ensure people, particularly the Shia inhabited areas, with all basic and effective public facilities. “The administration is duty bound to ensure steady water and electricity supply to people. Concerned departments should also dole out extra quota of monthly sugar, rice, and wheat to the consumers as the demand for edibles see a manifold increase during the forthcoming holy month. Health department and concerned municipal corporations and committees should gear up for providing free medical aid to the devotees. The roads leading to prominent shrines, Imam Bargahs should be properly lit up and cleaned,” he said.

Meanwhile NC Provincial President Nasir Aslam Wani, MPs Muhammad Akbar Lone, and HassnainMasoodi have also impressed upon the divisional administration to ensure all basic and effective amenities and public services to people during the forthcoming holy month of Muharram UlHaraam.

Chairman People’s Democratic Front (PDF) Hakeem Mohammad Yaseen in a statement urged the government to make foolproof arrangements in all Shia dominated areas of Khansahib and Budgam, for the smooth observance of holy Muharram. He urged for ensuring availability of uninterrupted water and power supply in and around various Imambaras and Shia dominated areas adding that all the roads, lanes and inner links leading to various Imambaras should be repaired and black topped earnestly.

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