World listens to good things only when there is a power standing behind them: RSS chief

Saying that “world has a rule that it listens to good things only when there is a power standing behind them”, RSS Chief Mohan Bhagwat has said “as Hindus, we have to unite because the responsibility of this country is upon us”.

According to the report published in The Indian Express, Bhagwat speaking on the occasion of 25th Swayamsevak Samagam, called Rashtryoday in UP’s Meerut has said:”Say with pride that you are a Hindu. As Hindus, we have to unite because the responsibility of this country is upon us. From ancient time it is our home. We have nowhere else to go in this world. If anything wrong happens with this country, we will be responsible”.


Terming hardline Hindutva as commitment to truth and Ahimsa, Bhagwat as per the report said: “When we become hardliners we will celebrate diversity more,” he said, before adding a note of caution: “But the world has a rule that it listens to good things only when there is a power standing behind them”.

Saying that it was important to be strong but that the gathering was not a show of strength, Bhagwat according to the report said: “Even gods take sacrifice of lambs because it is powerless. Even gods do not respect those without strength. This is not a show of strength. You don’t need to show strength, it is visible when it is there”.

Quoting Swami Vivekanand, Bhagwat as per report said:”All nations are formed with an objective, said Vivekanand. Rome was created for power. Greece came into being to showcase the principle of beauty. France was created with the idea of Art. Their objective is over and so are the respective nations. But India came into being on the idea of life. That objective is never going to be over. And so our nation is immortal”.

“The roadblock to being united is that we are fighting on the lines of caste. We have to say that all Hindus are brothers irrespective of their community. Those who believe in Bharat Mata, her culture, and are progeny of India’s forefathers are Hindus. There are Hindus is this country who do not know they are Hindus,” the report quoted Bhagwat as having said.

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