Animal injection to man: ASI suspended for letting off a quack

Baripada (Odisha), Apr 21: Odisha Police on Thursday placed an Assistant Sub-Inspector under suspension on the charge of dereliction of duty while dealing in a case of alleged administration of livestock injection to a man by a quack in Mayurbhanj district.

Mayurbhanj SP Khilari Rishikesh Dnyandeo suspended ASI Pabitra Mohan Rout, posted at Mahuldiha police station. The ASI was accused of allowing a quack to go scot free even as he was nabbed by local people and handed over to police for administering livestock injections to a man.


The quack, identified as Biswanath Behera (62) of Kantipal in Keonjhar district, had administered three livestock injections to a 55-year-old Srikanta Mohanta suffering from back pain on April 16.

The quack gave some tablets to Mohanta and suggested him to consume them twice a day. The quack had charged Rs 470 from the patient for administering injection meant for animals. Incidentally, the patient had no such adverse effect despite taking the livestock medicine.

However, Mahanta’s son suspected the quack, who posed himself as a doctor. He sent the picture of injection to a doctor in Thakurmunda, who confirmed that the injection was meant for animals.

Mahuldiha police station registered a case against the quack. The quack was absconding after being allowed to go by the ASI.

The police have meanwhile launched a manhunt to trace the absconding quack.

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