MHA warns govt officials against holding Zoom meetings

Zoom meeting platform is not safe and it is notto be used for official purposes by government officials, the Home Ministrysaid on Thursday.

The warning, earlier issued by Computer EmergencyResponse Team (Cert-In), was reiterated by the Cyber Coordination Centre(CyCord) of the Home Ministry in an advisory.


“This advisory states that the platform isnot for use by government officers/officials for official purposes,” astatement from the ministry said.

Zoom became a popular application for executivesconducting meetings while working from home during the countrywide lockdownannounced by the central government to contain coronavirus pandemic in thecountry.

“The document makes reference to earlieradvisories of the Indian Computer Emergency Response Team (Cert-In) and statesthat Zoom is not a safe platform. The guidelines have been issued to safeguardprivate individuals who would still like to use the platform for privatepurposes,” the ministry said.

It said the advisory has been issued to preventany unauthorized entry into a Zoom conference room and to prevent unauthorizedparticipants to carry out malicious attacks on the terminals of other users inthe conference.

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