SKUAST-K organises webinar on innovation mining

Srinagar, Jan 25: Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Kashmir held one day workshop on ‘Innovation Minning’ for the BSc Fisheries students on Tuesday.

The programme was organised by the university’s Faculty of Fisheries under the World Bank-ICAR funded National Agricultural Higher Education Project (NAHEP) for the institutional development of SKUAST-K.


The programme was organised to acquaint the fisheries students with various concepts of innovation, startups and entrepreneurship.

Startup coach and Managing Partner of REIN Labs – Mumbai-based innovation, incubation and research organisation – Saurabh Sinha was the main expert of the webinar. He briefed the audience on ‘why Entrepreneurship and why to take it as a career option’. He gave a detailed overview of the design thinking process & innovation trends and startup opportunities in fisheries.

He correlated the risk factors of government jobs and entrepreneurship. The second expert talk was given by Syed Nadeem, General Manager and coordinator Grassroots Innovation Augmentation Network J&K. He gave a brief about the opportunities and status of startups in J&K.

Besides students, division heads, faculty members and scientists, Prof Dil Mohammad Makhdoomi, Director Extension, SKUAST-K, Prof Massarat Khan Dean Faculty of Fisheries, Prof Azmat Alam Co-PI NAHEP, Prof Farooq Ahmad Zaki, HRM consultant, Dr Naveed Hamid, BDA Innovation & Entrepreneurship Cell IDP SKUAST-K participated in the programme.

Prof Dil Mohammad Makhdoomi, who was the chief guest at the occasion, in his address put focus on innovation in the fisheries sector by quoting many examples and stressed upon to tap the fisheries resource of Kashmir for innovation and startups. Prof Azmat Alam highlighted the need and relevance of outcome-oriented training programs on Innovation & Entrepreneurship conducted under IDP NAHEP.

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