I-Hub Quantum Technology Foundation set up at IISER Pune

A Technology Innovation Hub on Quantum Technologies has been set up in Pune. It is an initiative of the Department of Science and Technology (DST) and the IISER, Pune. It has been named as the I-Hub Quantum Technology Foundation (I-Hub QTF).

Quantum technology, a class of technology, uses the principles of quantum mechanics, the physics of sub-atomic particles.


The I-Hub QTF will aim to develop quantum computers, quantum communication devices and systems, novel quantum materials and sensors for day-to-day applications. The hub comprises 13 research groups from the IISER, Pune. It will network with over 20 participating institutes in India and many collaborators from universities and institutions abroad. The DST has sanctioned Rs 170 crores over five years for developing this hub.

“I-Hub QTF will help India carry out cutting-edge research and development in a field that is at the frontier of the new technologies that will revolutionize our way of living over the next few decades. We are very happy that IISER Pune has been given the opportunity to play a big part in developing this technology in India”, said IISER Director JayantUdgaonkar.

Quantum technology is an emerging technology. It will potentially replace classical computers for certain specific computational tasks, build ultra-precise clocks and sensors for precision time keeping and global positioning, develop highly secure communication networks, and develop advanced quantum materials.

These developments are expected to open up infinite possibilities in healthcare, secured communications, transportation, novel materials, management of natural resources, etc to name a few.

The hub will enable incubation of start-up companies, develop skill sets, conduct workshops and courses, and develop state-of-the-art research infrastructure distributed over various collaborating institutes and the hub.

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