Editorial | Don’t stigmatise them

The covid pandemic is unleashing problem after problem. Not just at the level of healthcare the problems are multifaceted. The effects on economy are now talk of the town; there are problem for the global order in future is also a beaten topic. But here we have another kind of a problem, though seemingly small, but needs timely attention. Those who have suffered an attack by this virus and have recovered after undergoing the necessary medical process, are now facing a very tough mental challenge. This comes form the fact that people around them, in their vicinity, have started looking at them as a kind of danger that needs to be kept at bay. This is no less than a trauma for these people who have already been through much. What could have been a moment of joy for them and their families is now turning into a shadow of lingered trouble. They needed the support of the people around them, so that they could come over the difficult memories.

But here the reverse of it is happening. “I feel I have landed in some other country. No one passes by our gate now.” These remarks by a recovered covid patient is an eye opener for all of us. The person has not committed any crime, is not guilty of any wrong behaviour, and doesn’t pose any threat to anyone, anymore. Why then should they be stigmatised. The problem is with wrong understanding of the disease, and also a result of misinformation. We need to understand that once a patient has recovered he is like any other normal person. The medical experts tell us that no infection can travel form a recovered person. If that is the case we should not exhibit a behaviour that cause hurt to these patients, and also brings lots of mental ache to these families. “These people have recovered. They will not infect you now. We have tested them and that’s why they have been sent home”, these words form the concerned doctor should be remembered well.


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