BOOKSHELF | Seerat Risalt Ma’aab (SAW)

About the BOOK:

It is an account of the life of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW). Written in a lucid Urdu for a common reader the book tries to capture the life of the prophet (SAW) from the beginning to the end, in a chronological order. At the same time it tries to focus on the characteristics of the prophetic life, and also the mission that was undertaken by the Prophet, peace be upon him. In a neat and simplified way the author tries to sketch the life and times of the prophet (SAW) so that a common reader can understand it, and benefit from the message of the prophet. It captures the events that occurred then, and how a divine mission was fulfilled by the Prophet (SAW) and his companions. Th hardships faced, and the steadfastness observed by the  Prophet (SAW) and his companions in delivering the message of God to the mankind is summed up in a simple prose and a neat style. The book is beneficial to those common readers who wish to know about the religion of Islam and how it was established in the Arabia of Prophet’s time. It brings up a good detail in a very concise form, and  lucid language.


About the Author:

Mufti Ishfaqullah Qasmi is the Imam and Khateeb ( preacher) at Jamia Masjid Abu Bakr, Jawahar Nagar, Srinagar-Kashmir.

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