Corona vs Kashmir

This piece is about the notorious Corona virus, not from thenatural-science point of view- since its experts have said enough about it.This is about it from the social science perspective. Apart from maintainingproper hygiene, and knowing about its symptoms from the doctors, there is muchmore that we as a society need to do.

On March 18th, our local clergy under the banner of MutahidaMajlis-e-Ulema met to discuss the way forward, specifically about the prayersin Masaajid. Surprisingly, they decided to go ahead with 5 joint obligatoryprayers in Masjid. This essentially meant they did not advise people to stayhome. Interestingly, they asked people to do Sunnah & Nafawil prayers athome, thereby shortening their stay in Masjid. How does that help? The Fardhprayer is to be done shoulder-to-shoulder, with your feet touching the otherperson’s. Sunnah is done separately. If you have done your Fardh incongregation, it hardly matters if you also do your Sunnah before you leave.Rasoolullah (SAW)’s teachings are evident as people faced the threat of plaguethose days. Indeed, we must put our trust in Allah, but only after tying ourcamels. On the same day, Kashmir’s first positive case of Corona surfaced inKhanyar. It’s true that we do not experience Pandemic quite often in out lives.This is why there’s a big section of people who are unable to take it seriouslyuntil someone near them is actually afflicted. However, this would mean areaction, not caution. Corona’s viciousness & our preparedness is only onestep away from each other. If it leaps forward, we can not handle it. MMU’sdecision clearly means to wait for Corona to actually hit us before a concretecall is taken. It was disappointing, to say the least.


On the other hand, there are some other Ulema who arecalling for a congregation, specially to make supplication (Dua) for this virusto go. I may take the liberty to call it ‘throwing a corona party’. This is notthe way of Islam, as said earlier that epidemics/pandemics are notunprecedented in Islamic history. Allah has established laws to govern thisuniverse. This is what we call ‘Science’.  Science is not to be comparedwith Islam. Its creator is God. This is where some people take science asenemy, and perceive listening to scientists as surrendering their faith.Anyway, He can indeed break these laws when He wishes, and that’s what we calla miracle (Mojiza). However, we have not been asked to rely upon miracles, asthey don’t happen often.

Fortunately, God gave this critical training to Kashmirisfor 7 months, just before the outbreak. Normally, it’s not human to be able tostay home for long, all of a sudden. There’s no cure/vaccine yet available forCorona. Self-isolation, as much as possible, is the only key. This is the onlyone positive of the Aug-5th.  What’s been shocking though is that the 4GInternet is still banned while I’m writing this. For God’s sake, most ofthe Kashmiris don’t even go to the mosques, & avoid funerals, why wouldthey go out to protest? What’s the logic of disallowing 4G? It’s not the TV,Radio or even Newspapers, but Internet is in everybody’s hands. Disease’sknowledge is the only power. Forget morality, have these people sitting on thetop posts divorced common sense ? This is a global emergency.

Well, this was the responsibility of our ulema and administration.However, what we have been doing individually has been beyond pathetic.

Commoners are stacking up cash & filling up their cartanks in lieu of being a possible carrier of this virus for their kids &elderly. A carrier may well not be affected by this infection if s/he’shealthy, but he could transport it to those whose immune system is weak. On theother hand, elites who claim to be educated are ‘saving’ their kids from theAirport screening by using a VIP exit, as was reported by some media outlets.If they love privilege so much, shouldn’t they be using it to screen theirchildren? This shows we are a messed-up society that is just not ready for thispandemic, if it breaks out in real sense.

Therefore, Curfew seems to be a way forward. Curfew is anadministrative tool that is ought to be used for the greater good of thepeople. Most of us, who don’t know anthropology, and have only understoodcurfew in Kashmiri context, have its limited understanding. In Kashmir, curfewhas been (mis)used against the people. This is the first time, partial curfewmust be imposed. We pay taxes. So, police should be used for this. Germany,United States (New Jersey, Florida, Puerto Rico), Columbia, Tunisia & manymore places are using curfew to stop its spread. In the past, curfew has beenused against the people of Kashmir on the diktats of Delhi. For once it can beused in the greater interest of people.

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