COVID-19: How To Protect Yourself

As on date we are combating covid 19 pandemic globally; here are some basic tips to avoid getting sick.

Foods that boost immune system


Researchers found positive links between immune function andcomponents in food. If anyone of us gets flu like illness one after another weneed to make sure that we eat plenty of immuno-modulators (immunity buildingfoods).

Garlic may boost your immune system, increase resistance toinfection and stress. To get the immune power from garlic, crush the cloveswith the flat side of a knife before adding them to your food, this releasesthe garlic juice which has great immune properties.

Cheese and other dairy products contain conjugated linoleicacid, a natural component of dairy fat which has boosted immune response inanimal studies.      

Yogurt and other cultured milk products contain probiotics,beneficial bacteria with immune boosting benefits. Look for the “live activeculture” seal which indicates that probiotics have been added also check milkproduct’s label for vitamin D. Early research suggests low levels of vitamin Dmay be linked to a seasonal increase in colds and flu and a higher incidence ofrespiratory infections.

Vitamin C found in citrus fruits and juices may also helpthe body’s immune system.

Zinc found in meat, chicken, peanuts and peanut butter playsan important role in proper functioning of the immune system of the body.

Foods that heal:

Fresh Ginger Root can help you when you are sick by inducingsweating and decreasing Nausea and Diarrhoea. Make ginger tea by grating oneounce of fresh ginger in a pint of water. Cover and simmer for 10 minutes. Addlemon and honey as well.

Healthy eating during cold and flu season means getting thedaily requirements of essential vitamin and minerals by eating a balanced dietthat contains a verity of foods from all food groups.

Keeping germs away:

The most important thing you can do to keep from getting sick is to wash your hands. A common way to catch flu or cold is by rubbing your nose, eyes or mouth so to protect against infection, wash your hands frequently. Your hands pick up germs from other people or from contaminated surfaces and hand washing prevents you from infecting yourself with the germs. Use water and soap and wash the hands for at least 60 seconds for best results.

Get plenty of rest, eat a well balanced diet, exercise regularly, decrease stress, give-up unhealthy habits such as smoking and consuming alcohol. Studies have shown that a session of moderate physical activity produces positive effect on the immune system.

When you’re sick stay home so that you don’t infect others, if you need to sneeze or cough use a tissue or sneeze or cough in to your sleeve or upper arm, do not do it onto your hands since you can spread the virus to the others by touching them or handling objects that others may use.

While you are still healthy and not showing any symptoms of flu or flu like illness in order to prevent proliferation some very simple steps can be practiced:

1.            Frequent hand washing

2.            Hands-off-the-faceapproach. Resist all temptations to touch any part of face unless verynecessary.

3.            Gargle 3or 4 times a day with warm saline water. As every viral infection takes 2 or 3days after initial infection in the throat/nasal cavity to proliferate and showcharacteristic symptoms, simple gargling prevents proliferation. In a waygargling with salt water has the same effect on the healthy individual thatanti viral drug has on an infected individual.

4.            Cleanyour nostrils with warm saline water.

5    Drink as much of warm liquids (tea, kehwa,soups etc) as you can.  

Dr. Gowhar Nabi works as Medial Officer D.H Pulwama

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