Feel the transition

Retirement is a natural phenomenon, an important phase oflife, bringing with it many challenges in terms of adjustments and changes inlife style, self-esteem, acquaintance, and vocation. Leaving the job at aspecifying period of time after putting in some number of years ones productiveyears or after attaining an age of 60 in the public services.

Working men often look forward to retirement as one longvacation but it is really very different. It is a permanent change in statuswith important effects on a person’s self image as well as his daily schedule.


What can one do. If retirement is pre-planned by realisticanticipation and planning, it can mark a happy and healthy new chapter in  man’s golden period. Three major changesaccompany retirement: The loss of major portion of income (those withpensionary benefits) or total loss (those with none pensionary benefits), theloss of work relationship, and the loss of identity as a public servant/worker.A successful retirement requires that you anticipate all three and planaccordingly. The need for financial planning is obvious. Not so obvious, but asimportant, is the need to build relationships to replace those at work. It isalso important to include your spouse in the process; your retirement is anadjustment for her, too. Likewise, a man should cultivate interest andactivities to make the leisure of retirement as rich and rewarding as thechallenges of work.

The key is gradual transition, ideally extending over aperiod of years. Men should think of retirement as a career changes, (like achanges of season). Not the end of productivity. People who develop hobbies,interests, and relationships in advance should be able to anticipate retirementwith enthusiasm, not with fear. Above all, perhaps, men should heed the lifestyle lessons that can make those golden years shine. Diet, exercise, socialactivities, good medical care, travel head the list.

Many retirees, particularly older ones have a number of differentmedical problems, and they may find it difficult to sort out the long and shortterm impact of various conditions. For your part, be sure to tell your doctorwhat health issues most affect your day to day well – being.

Men who stay healthy and age successfully will have thephysical and mental resources to enjoy retirement. And in turn, mentalstimulation and physical activity should help keep them healthy and happyduring their life’s new adventure.

(The Writer is Former Civil Servant of J&KGovernment) 

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