Women in today’s society

“It’s not very easy to grow up into a woman. We are always taught, almost bombarded, with ideals of what we should be at every age in our lives: “This is what you should wear at age twenty”, “That is what you must act like at age twenty-five”, “This is what you should be doing when you are seventeen.” But amidst all the many voices that bark all these orders and set all of these ideals for girls today, there lacks the voice of assurance. There is no comfort and assurance. I want to be able to say, that there are four things admirable for a woman to be, at any age! Whether you are four or forty-four or nineteen! It’s always wonderful to be elegant, it’s always fashionable to have grace, it’s always glamorous to be brave, and it’s always important to own a delectable perfume! Yes, wearing a beautiful fragrance is in style at any age!” this is how  C. JoyBell C puts it brilliantly.

August 26 is observed as women’s equality day. It was on this day in history that women were included in United States constitution. Prior to that time, women were not allowed to own property, have any sort of credit, or to vote. Women were considered “less than” in the most every way. The main purpose of the women of the past was to be a “helpmate to her husband”. Times have changed; but, women still have a long way to go. Today’s women are considered to have equal rights; but, is it really true? Old stereotypes still exist in many ways. Women have worked hard for the rights that exist. They have made huge strides in changing the way society looks at them for the past. women were to stay at home, take care of the house work, the cooking, the backing, the laundry, and teach the children by raising them with chores, discipline and help with their home work. Husbands were expected to come home from work, have dinner on the table and the house neat and clean for them. Times have changed, though many women work outside of the home or even in the home for pay. With today’s economic status most families need two pay-cheques to make ends meet. Other women have a university degree and want to put it to use or continue in their carriers. Although, family may be important to them, self improvement and being able to help provide for the family may be of a concern with this shift in work situation, many women ask their husbands for help with the house work and the children and are scrutinized for it. It is not always an easy situation for a woman to be married, work, and to have a family; but, it is quite often a choice that is made.


Although women are supported to receive equal pay for equal work, this is generally not the case; “women may be increasing the amount of time they spend on the job, but they continue to earn, considerably less than men do”.

Other stereotypes occur in language and in media. Many text books, magazines and other printed material are written as “He” “Him” or “Man” when the intention is to be generic, such as “He/She, “Him/Her” or “Man /Women”. Other language intricacies also devalue women. In the media women are still portrayed in television commercials, shows and movies as the home-maker, house wife and mother. Some have branched out to include women as a working women, but, usually only if she is displayed as being single. In a majority of commercials, women are still in the stereotypical roles. How often do you see a man advertising a cleaning product? A woman may be shown to advertise a car parts; but, this is generally done with the wrong intention not as if she were knowledgeable about an engine. Women are important in our society. They are nurses, teachers, lawyers police officers, writers, business leaders and much more. Women make a difference. Women get involved. Women volunteers do more than men do. Much of what has been accomplished in communities is due to the women that volunteers for different groups. These women get things done. It could be a part of their nurturing instinct to hold close what is important to them and work for a better world. Women juggle many things in everyday life. For those who are married, or have children it’s even more of a balancing act. Equality between men and women has not been as easy road to travel. It has not ended yet. The solution will not be something that happens overnight. But even little strides that are taken in one step closer to a better world for women of today and future.

I conclude with Audre Lorde’s words: “I write for those women who do not speak, for those who do not have a voice because they were so terrified, because we are taught to respect fear more than ourselves. We’ve been taught that silence would save us, but it won’t.” 


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