WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange faces sentencing over bail-jumping

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is set to be sentenced for jumping British bail seven years ago and holing up in the Ecuadorian embassy.

Assange faces a maximum sentence of a year in prison when heis sentenced Wednesday at London’s Southwark Crown Court.


A judge at an earlier hearing said the 47-year-old hacker’soffense “merits the maximum sentence.”

The Australian secret-spiller sought asylum in the SouthAmerican country’s London embassy in June 2012 to avoid extradition to Sweden,where he was wanted for questioning over rape and sexual assault allegations.

He faces a separate legal fight against a US extraditionrequest. American authorities have charged him with conspiring to break into aPentagon computer system.

Assange was arrested last month after Ecuador revoked hispolitical asylum.

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