Doctors, not Administrators

Covid is a healthcare crisis. If anyone is supposed to handle this unprecedented situation it is the healthcare workers. It is a doctor who knows what to do in this situation, and how to minimise damage. The way doctors put their lives to peril, we called them front line warriors. In fact we had this very sad news of almost 50 doctors losing their lives to covid in a single day. If this is the case why not give it to them to lead us in all respects, in this crisis. But unfortunately, in J&K we have seen that doctors have been reduced to the status of foot-soldiers and the actual command is in the hands of the administration. Framing the panel of senior doctors in anticipation of another wave of covid is a welcome step, but it is too late. And how much powers this panel is given will tell us whether it is too little, or not. Not including doctors in the decision making process the way it should have been done speaks of a deep systemic rot prevalent in J&K. We have turned everything upside down, and we always look at things through the prism of law-and-order. In the current scheme of things we have officers in the administration who take decisions and doctors have to merely fall in line. That is, in the given situation, nothing less than criminal. We have seen how the principles of medical colleges, and directors of premier health institutions have to behave ‘properly’, whenever a man from administration visits a hospital. That is deeply disgusting. Actually, it should have been other way round. The entire administration should have been at the service of doctors. It should have been left to doctors to decide what facilities are required, when, and where. It should have been for doctors to guide us on all the protocols, within and outside hospitals. People in administration should have been there to ensure that the necessary action is taken. This crisis is far from over. If it has to be managed efficiently let’s give it to doctors in real spirit, and place them at the head of command and control. Let us drop this colonial mindset, and understand the importance of professional handling of crisis. Administration should do what it is supposed to do; take care of the consequences of the lockdown on the livelihood of people. And also to arrange resources for our hospitals and put them at the disposal of doctors. The panel of doctors should also stick to their professional knowledge, even if that meant being ‘politically incorrect’. How this panel is allowed to work would test the administration, and how the panel finally performs would determine its merit. We wish this panel good, and pray for its success.

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