Greater Kashmir – Is Anybody Listening? | Gillsar lake converted into a garbage dump

Once known for its beauty, Gillsar lake is now more like a dump yard. Locals throw all the household waste into this water body. No one is taking note of its deteriorating condition. We request the concerned authorities to look into the matter and take immediate action in this regard.

Zubair Hussain


‘Renovate Oriental College Hazratbal’

J&K Wakf board is considered as the second largest income-generating institution after the J&K government. J&K Waqf board owns huge properties, including shops, thousands of kanals of land, donation money, whether cash or jewellery etc. But it is very unfortunate that the J&K Wakf board totally failed to utilise this vast property in the right way. J&K Wakf board is presently running a few educational institutions which are on the verge of losing their recognition as the wakf board is neither renovating these institutions nor upgrading their infrastructure. One such example is Jamia Madinat Ul Uloom oriental college, Hazratbal, which is considered one of the oldest oriental colleges of J&K Wakf board. At present, this college is providing education from class 9th up to B.A, but unfortunately, the enrollment of the students are becoming lesser day by day due to degraded infrastructure as well as the deficient number of faculty members. This college has neither a laboratory nor library.

In addition to this, there are no subject-specific teachers for teaching class 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th. We now request the administration to please intervene in this matter and provide necessary directions to the concerned authorities of J&K Wakf board to upgrade the infrastructure of their educational institutions and arrange proper faculty so that they may not lose their recognition.

Residents, Hazratbal

Khudwani residents demand ATM facility

We, the residents of Khudwani, are facing a lot of inconvenience due to the non-availability of ATM in our area. We have to travel to Qaimoh to use an ATM. We now request the J&K bank to install an ATM in Khudwani so that our sufferings are mitigated.


Villagam, Kupwara residents demand renovation of primary health centre

We, the villagers of block Villagam, Kupwara, would like to bring to the notice of the Director Health Services, J&K, the poor condition of our primary health centre, especially Pir Maqbool Primary Health Centre, Villagam. The health centre was damaged in the 2006 fire incident. Till date, no action has been taken in this regard. Neither the building has been renovated, nor new machines have been provided. We are suffering badly because of this. We have to go to district hospital Kupwara and Handwara even for a common cold or a simple headache. We request the authorities to look into the matter as soon as possible.

Malik Reyaz

‘Declare results of B.ED 3rd, 4th semester’

We, the Students of B.Ed 3rd, 4th semester (batch 2017-19) distance mood/ private colleges, got the admission in 2017, and our 1st and 2nd- semester exams were held in May-June 2019, and the result was declared in November 2019 after that because of Covid-19 education was disrupted and all exams delayed. Later on, when the situation improved, Kashmir University conducted our exams in November 2020. However, they are delaying the declaration of our result. Our degree was supposed to be completed in 2019, but unfortunately, it is 2021, and we are still waiting for the completion of our degrees. Kashmir University is playing with our future. We want to pursue further education; however, delaying results is preventing us from doing so. We already lost so much time because of the abrogation of Article 370 and Covid-19, and Kashmir University is now playing with our future by delaying our results. We request Kashmir University to declare our result as early as possible.

B.Ed Students 3rd & 4th Semester (Batch 2017-19)

Repair roads in Wahab Parrey Mohalla, Hajin

We, the residents of Wahab Parrey Mohalla, Hajin, are facing immense difficulties due to poor condition of the road from Hajin main market to Wahab Parrey Mohalla Masjid. A drain was constructed here almost a year ago, but till date, the road has not been repaired. All the mud and other material were put outside the gates of inhabitants, which has caused inconvenience to the residents who are not able to walk or drive down this road. The students of near-by Govt. Girls in High school face problems during rainy days. Also, elders face tremendous hardships while going to offer prayers in the Wahab Parrey Mohalla Masjid, especially during morning and evening times. We request the concerned authorities to look into the matter and repair the road as soon as possible.


Macadamize Rawoocha – Hachaipora road

Rowoocha to Hachaipora road stretch is in dilapidated conditions for last ten years as it has never been macadamized. There are large potholes on this road, making it difficult for the commuters to travel. The government had started widening of the road in 2017, but the work was later stopped for unknown reasons. Now we request the Chief Engineer R & B to kindly restart the widening project and macadamize the road as soon as possible.


Repair roads in Abu Bakr Colony, Bemina

The main road of Abu Bakr Colony, Bemina Byepass, Srinagar near MIP Petrol Pump to Salfia Masjid is in dilapidated conditions. The 300 meters of 18 feet wide road has not been repaired for the last two years, which has resulted in further deterioration during the last two winters. The water supply line, which was laid in 2020, has excavated all the links of the colony. The elders and the students are not able to walk due to big potholes on the roads. Lane-A of the area is especially inundated during the rainy season, making it impossible for people to come out of their homes.

The road leading to Masjid Sharief is in the same condition. We request the concerned department to look into the matter as soon as possible.


Non-availability of public transport in Hanjura, Gopalpora

We, the residents of village Hanjura, tehsil Chadura, are facing tremendous hardships as no sumo service is available in the village when all adjacent villages are enjoying sumo transport facility though they have less population than in this village. The villagers had approached the authorities like ARTO Budgam in this regard, but no action has been taken. In the same way, the residents of Gopalpura area, which has emerged as a small city now, as the people from the city have shifted their residences in this newly developed colonies like chanapora but till now no separate sumo service is available for this area and it is causing immense sufferings to the residents. Gopalpora, Alamdarbagh is only eleven km away from Lal chowk, so rupees twenty fair for sumo is a reasonable rate, and it is experienced that from five o clock onwards no transport facility is available from the city centre to Gopalpora area.

We request the concerned authorities to arrange transport facilities for these areas and regulate sumo services strictly.

Abdul Rashid Hanjura, Advocate and social activist

Residents of Rather mohalla, Chandergeer demand transformer

Under UDDGJY, a 63 KVA transformer was to be installed at the New Colony, Rather mohalla, Chandergeer, but the concerned authorities have not installed the same till now. However, in the surrounding villages, the work has been already completed. It seems that our habitation has been neglected as there are reports that the said programme is ending in March 2021. Now we, the residents, request the authorities to look into the matter so that our problems related to low voltage are mitigated.


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