Airline leaves tourist group stranded at Srinagar Airport

Srinagar: A group of tourists from Bangalore claimed that they were stuck at Srinagar airport owing to the ineptness of a private airline.

The visitors said that they intended to board the flight from Srinagar airport in the morning, but they were stranded owing to the airline’s ‘cruel attitude’.


A video that went viral on social media shows a group of ten visitors, including women and children, stunned at the Srinagar airport owing to the problem.

“We reached the airport on time and waited at boarding gate 6B, as mentioned in the boarding pass. We did all the formalities and even paid Rs 20,000 extra for extra baggage to the Go First Airline. As we waited at the 6B gate for half an hour, the gate was closed. Later we got to know that the boarding gate was changed at the last moment, and we were not informed about the same. No staff member was there to inform and help us. We were supposed to reach Delhi and then to Bangalore, but now we are stranded,” said one of the passengers while displaying the boarding passes.

Meanwhile, many netizens and social activists took to social media to express their dismay over the issue. They said that the tourists should be immediately given alternate flights without having to pay again.

“Tourists from Bangalore stranded at Srinagar Airport. They were provided 10 Boarding passes. Gate 6B was changed at the last moment and they were Not Informed. Flight left. @GoFirstairways must airlift them soon without any charges @AAI_Official @OfficeOfLGJandK” Raja Muzaffar Bhat, a social activist tweeted.

Netizens also urged the local administration to intervene and help the stranded tourists.

“We request LG Administration UT J&K take cognizance of the matter and help these people to reach their destination,” wrote another netizen.

Despite repeated attempts, the officials of the airline could not be reached through the contact numbers mentioned on their social media platforms.

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